Growing up my parents always made every holiday extra special and the biggest deal with decorating and just making things overall fun for us kids. It is something that I always appreciated and knew I wanted to continue when I was a mom myself. Having Logan and now Landon, holidays are a BIG deal around here. We talk about it, get in the spirit early and honestly just ride out the fun as long as we can. With Logan being 2.5, it is the first year that he is super into the holidays, Halloween sort of being his first that he truly can grasp and understand a bit. From his obsession with his bat and ghost pajamas, to reading spooky Halloween books, to festive arts + crafts and now decorating the house, we have fully embraced the holiday spirit over here.
When I shared our front porch decor the other day, I saw a bunch of questions about where I got certain supplies and how I hung things up. I figured I would compile all those details in a blog post to make things easy to reference, save and come back to. Needless to say, I won a major brownie point with Logan on the front porch decor, he loves going outside and looking at everything and saying “boo!” “spooky!”.
For the front porch, I used fishing wire and a thumb tack to hang the witches hats from the ceiling. To secure the fishing wire through the hat, I snipped the TINIEST hole at the tip of the hat and thread through a long piece of fishing wire. I tied a bunch of knots and then added some hot glue to make a ball shape so it would catch and not slip through where we cut at the tip of the hat. This made it easier to hang the hats. I then tied a bunch of knots and a loop at the other end of the string where I then would place the thumb tack and hang from the ceiling. Will try and share this process on Stories!
I also secured “Mr. Bones” to the chair with a little fishing wire as well and same with the spiders. We lucked out with having the “fencing: on the side to tie the spiders on, but I read this blog post which has some tips for mounting spiders on the side of your house.
This year I attempted to preserve our pumpkins as well. I washed them with dish soap and water, dried throughly and then applied the clear finishing spray. Time will tell if this actually works, I will report back for next year if it was a success or just a waste of time.
For our living room, I kept things somewhat simple…so far! I was so excited to add these bats crawling up our fireplace onto our ceiling and they have been a huge hit with Logan. I also added a fun little skeleton to the mantle and a few ceramic pumpkins. I want to swap out the branches in the vase to be a bit more fall-like, but need to find some that I like first.
Our skeleton (similar here, here, & here) // Witch Hats // Bats // 4 ft Spiders // Tape // Thumb Tacks // Fishing Line // Clear Spray Paint // Glue Gun // Small Skeleton
I wanted to add a little bit of fun Halloween spirit to Logan’s room this year and found this felt ghost and pumpkin garland at HomeGoods. I then placed all his Halloween books on the shelf to be on display. Only downside is we have to lift him up to choose what book he wants to read, but still a fun little addition to his room for him to enjoy.