I have been searching for the best natural deodorant for the past six months and excited to finally share it with you all. Natural deodorant has been something I have been wanting to swap in the beauty department for quite some time after countless research articles have come out about the dangers and chemicals in your typical deodorant. It is no surprise that I try and keep what I eat and put on my skin as natural and organic as possible (aside from make-up, just haven’t found anything that is a good substitute). Not too long ago, I was out and about and picked up Kopari’s Coconut Lip Love. This was the first time I was introduced to the brand. I shared in a blog post at the time how it quickly became one of my favorite beauty staples and asked you all on Instastories what else you enjoy from their line.
Several people said to pick up their Coconut Melt which quickly became one of my favorite products from Kopari (it’s a game changer for my dry skin in the winter). After going two for two on the brand’s products, I was excited to try out their Coconut Deodorant. Like I mentioned before, I have been on the hunt for a natural deodorant for quite some time. A few I have liked, but they have only worked for low impact days and weren’t the greatest for getting through a workout. Others would leave marks on my clothing or just not work at all. Kopari’s Coconut Deodorant is aluminum-free, glides on clear and to be honest has never been sticky (or stinky). It has a 100% plant derived natural active and is a non-toxic formula to give your pits the ultimate hydrating and beautifying royal treatment. I have found that it is the first natural deodorant that has worked for any occasion, so I always make sure to toss this into my suitcase first thing when traveling and apply it each morning as part of my morning routine and before any workout class. I also have discovered that I only need to apply it once throughout the day to get the coverage I am looking for.
So now I can successfully say this makes three out of three for Kopari products I have tried and loved! Safe to say the brand is a new favorite. If you have any other product recommendations please send my way!
A big thanks to Kopari for partnering on this post!