Between Logan’s birthday, Easter and just outgrowing some of the toys from when he was younger, we have been scouring for some of the best toys out there and the below have been a big hit! I always try and look for educational benefits and learning opportunities when purchasing anything for Logan. Independent play is huge for him right now and it has been fun watching him play with a toy one way and then the next day use his creativity to switch things up a bit. Also, always looking for suggestions, so if you have any that are a hit in your family please let me know.
Baby Einstein Curiosity Table– Such a great table with him getting older. It’s educational and has countless activities for them to explore. I also love that it grows with him as he grows. He just received for his birthday and has played with it a bunch.
Baby Einstein Music All Around Book– I don’t know what it is about this book, but Logan is constantly pulling it from the bookshelf, flipping through it and pressing the buttons. This single book has provided countless entertainment.
Montessori Sensory Board– This is my favorite! I know people who have even made these boards. Logan could spend an hour playing with the buckles on his highchair so I thought this would be perfect for him to explore.
Pop-up Tunnel– Logan first tried this out during his My Gym class (boy do we miss it there!) and since it folds flat and is easy to store I decided to get one for his birthday. He has fun crawling back and forth and it is a great way to tucker him out before a nap.
Wooden Stacking Rainbow– Big fan of all the Montessori toys and have been hearing a lot about this one. It helps with their creativity, learning colors, stacking and building and so on.
Play Kitchen– I feel like just recently Logan has been fascinated with a toy kitchen and can also spend a great deal of time in it and playing with different things. We all are for extended play time for our little ones these days while we try and get work done.
Wooden Puzzles– Logan is finally getting to the stage where he is making connections and figuring out where things go. These simple wooden puzzles seemed like a great way to get started.
Sensory Buckle Pillow– Similar to the board above, I thought he would have fun with this one and it can also grow with him as he grows. Logan does not do great in the car as of lately (any tips welcome) so hoping this helps keep him occupied during car rides as well.
Little People Farm– When I worked in Child Life, Little People ANYTHING was always a big hit. We love learning about animals, going to the Central Park zoo, singing about animals, etc so this farm edition has been a hit.
Hape Pound, Tap, Shake!– Logan received this gift over Christmas from his cousins and it quickly has become a favorite in our house.
18pc Musical Instrument Set– A great way to bring music into your home and have your little one explore!