It wasn’t until this summer rolled around and we enrolled Logan in a camp that I quickly realized I would need to pack his lunch every day (a blessing in disguise). Forcing myself to do it the night before seemed daunting some evenings, but then I was always super thankful once the morning craziness came around and we were running all over trying to get out the door. I started sharing these lunches on Instagram and the DMs started rolling in asking me to continue and save them if possible. I had to chuckle because Matt literally the night before said “do people even care about these lunches?!”…and it felt great to prove him wrong, ha!
Anyways, I decided on the Bentgo lunchbox as I was a big fan of different compartments and it allowed me to fill it up with small bites from different categories for Logan to create his lunch. It is dishwasher safe and then I would place an ice pack underneath this box in the lunch bag (which also has room for a snack on the side). Cooking for Logan and our family has always been fun for me, so while scrolling through this post please keep that in mind! A few things that were tricky ended up being thinking of ideas he could eat cold or room temp. Our go-to grilled cheese had to quickly be replaced during the week and filled with other options.
Secondly, his camp did allow nut products, the only allergy was mango, so it was nice having the option of almond/peanut butter on some days, which I know can be rare for a school setting. I also have individual snapshots saved under my “Lunchbox Meals” Highlight over on Instagram if you wanted a closer look that way! I hope this post brings you some inspo as the school year begins and I have linked a few of our favorite lunchbox making supplies at the end as well!
2. string cheese // raw mushrooms with hummus // hard boiled egg with everything but the bagel seasoning // animal crackers // cottage cheese with pomegranate seeds
3. kids goMacro bar // dave’s killer bread (thin slice) with coconut peanut butter + smashed raspberries (I use fresh fruit smashed to cut back on the sugar) // avocado with everything but the bagel // string cheese broken up // cucumbers
4. animal crackers // mini rice crackers // raspberries // shredded mozzarella // rotisserie chicken // hummus // cucumbers
5. babybell cheese // mini rice crackers (Trader Joe’s) // watermelon // plain greek yogurt with cinnamon, chia seeds, flax seeds + almond slices // cucumbers
6. frozen peas (he likes them frozen + once they thaw) // Annie’s bunny cookies // String cheese cut into rounds // rotisserie chicken with everything but the bagel // blueberries // Late July peanut butter crackers
7. avocado chicken salad (smash and mix) with garlic powder on Dave’s Killer Bread (thin slice) // clementine // plain greek yogurt with pomegranate seeds // Annie’s bunny cookies
8. cheese + mushroom quesadilla (made morning of and wrapped in tinfoil to stay luke warm) // cucumbers // homemade applesauce // avocado with everything but the bagel
9. caprese pasta salad (minus the tomatoes – he isn’t a fan) // grilled BBQ chicken // cucumbers // homemade apple sauce // avocado with everything but the bagel and squeeze of lime so wont go bad (did this on all avocado, just remembered now to inform you of that!)
10. raspberries // lentil pasta with pesto + parmesan // rotisserie chicken // frozen peas // roasted sweet potatoes with cinnamon
11. cucumbers // babybell cheese // Late July crackers + I smeared coconut peanut butter inside // plain greek yogurt with chia seeds, cinnamon, almond slices + raspberries // mushrooms with hummus
12. avocado egg salad (mash both, add tiny but of mustard + everything but the bagel) on Dave’s Killer Bread (thin slice) // half a banana // cucumbers // frozen peas // Annie’s bunny cookies
13. Late July mini cheese crackers // lentil pasta with caesar dressing, peas, bacon + parmesan // homemade applesauce // mozzarella balls broken up // sugar snap peas
14. whole wheat bread with hummus, cucumber + feta // avocado with everything but the bagel and sprinkle of lime // babybell mozzarella // strawberries
15. cheese + spinach tortellini with extra spinach, olive oil + parmesan // rice cracker with avocado // animal crackers // blueberries // roasted sweet potatoes with cinnamon
16. multigrain crackers // raspberries // seaweed // rotisserie chicken // avocado // plain greek yogurt with cinnamon, chia seeds and almond slices
17. egg + avocado salad on Dave’s Killer Bread (thin slice) // cucumbers // mushrooms with hummus // Late July peanut butter crackers // raspberries
18. grilled asparagus tips // parmesan roasted potatoes // pita with tzatziki // BBQ chicken // homemade applesauce // Annie’s funfetti bunnies
19. strawberries // babybell cheese // rotisserie chicken // couscous with pine nuts ” olive oil // roasted carrots with cinnamon // funfetti bunnies
20. peanut butter + smashed strawberries on Dave’s Killer Bread (thin slice) // mozzarella with pesto // mini blueberry muffin // cucumbers with everything but the bagel // Once Upon a Farm pouch
21. mushrooms // shredded mozzarella // greek yogurt with chia seeds, cinnamon .. sliced almonds, mini cucumbers // strawberries, funfetti bunnies
22. mini blueberry muffin // pretzels // kiwi // rotisserie chicken // avocado with everything but the bagel // raspberries
23. spinach tortellini with extra spinach, olive oil + parmesan // raspberries + banana // mini blueberry muffin // spinach + feta chicken sausage // cucumber