March 15, 2016

Table Talk Tuesday: Beauty Edit.

I often get questions about my skin care and beauty routine, especially around the time of my wedding. I thought it would be fun to compile them all in a beauty edit post and hopefully you find some tips/ideas useful and relatable! As I get older (I literally hate saying that) I have really taken time to instigate and invest in certain beauty products or routines. I wish I started this earlier on in life, but better late than never!

styled snapshots beauty

What is your favorite nail polish?

Last year I discovered Lauren B. nail polish and instantly became hooked. Not only is it chemical-free, but also quick drying and chip free. I tried it out at a beauty event for the first time and the polish lasted without a chip for about two weeks (they used Lauren B. polish and top coat). While on the pricier side, for the reasons above I truly feel it is worth the splurge. My favorite color is “City of Angels“…I actually wore this color on my toes for our wedding and honeymoon!

What are your thoughts on facials?

OBSESSED! Go, run, book an appointment now. I honestly never gave them a try until I started researching different beauty habits to start when getting married. Just yesterday I had an opportunity to experience Bliss Spa’s “Fabulous Facial” and let me tell you it was fab-u-lous! Each product smelled amazing  (and yes, I am that girl that hides all the Bliss products when you stay at a W Hotel so they re-stock them daily for you) and I felt overall relaxed. While different products and masks are on your face for a certain length of time, they give you an arm and leg massage…literally my favorite thing ever. It is like getting a 2 for 1 deal! My facial ended with their “drench n’ quench’ moisturizer which is a cream that turns to water once rubbed into your skin. Exactly what I needed after my skin took a toll this winter. I listed out a few of the products that they used below. Would love to hear your thoughts on any favorite facial places as well!

What is one skin care product you started using in your late 20’s?

Serum! I love this serum from Mario Badescu and use it every night before I go to bed. I am a big fan of their products and use the following on a daily basis (minus the drying lotion, that is as needed):

Best tip for glowing skin?

Honestly my biggest piece of recommendation is watching what you eat and drinking tons of water. The cleaner I eat I instantly notice a difference in my skin. I love water, seltzer especially, but even at times get bored of the same thing. I discovered this infuser where you can swap out different fruits, vegetables + herbs to make it taste extra yummy. I love adding cucumber, basil and raspberries inside! Here is a book with a few different combinations.

Beauty product must:

One of my favorite beauty products is more of a tool. For Christmas I asked for a beauty blender and to this day it is one of my favorite gifts. I didn’t believe the different a “sponge” could make, but my foundation looks so much smoother and evenly distributed when using this. Just make sure you wet the sponge before using, more people forget this! For all you ladies who have used this, any tips on the best way to clean it? I came across this product, but not sure if it is worth the money?

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