Ever since I was a kid I absolutely loved doing arts and crafts. Even to this day I could sit and do them for hours (if I had that type of time, ha!). I always looked forward to the time that Logan would be old enough to partake, which was a few months ago and we have been loving this time together ever since.
I mentioned the other day on Instagram Stories our sweet neighbors who moved gifted us a kids table and chairs. I knew I always wanted to get a set, but with living in an apartment we are quite frankly at capacity. Clearly I couldn’t say no and honestly it has been the absolute best thing! He loves sitting at the table, it makes it easier for us to sit with him and do arts and craft projects, where as before they’d usually be done on the floor.
Anyways, I thought I would round up a few of my favorite things to order from Amazon for him. We also recently started with glue sticks, construction paper, tissue paper, pom poms (help with color sorting) and play dough. If looking for great toddler activities, one of my favorite Instagram follows is @dayswithgrey.
Paint Dot Markers //Pom Pom Pictures // Water Wow // Colorful Circle Stickers (can also use on the paint dot books) // No Spill Paint Cups //Natural Beeswax Crayons // First Word Sticker Book // Activity Stickers // ABC Dot Activity Book // Christmas Dot Activity Book