My last (I think) recipe post of 2020 is this Christmas cracker candy! If you love something salty and sweet, this super easy recipe is for you! You might even have all the ingredients laying around your house and it is another kid friendly option if you want to get your little one involved. Logan has had a blast being my little helper and favorite role of taste tester. With it being the winter months we are struggling with indoor activities to keep him busy and cooking/baking usually does the trick for a good hour! Another fun thing to do is fill your sink with soap water and the dishes and have them play in the and “help” clean up afterwards. We have a kitchen helper stool, which has been my favorite purchase of 2020. My exact one if sold out, but here is another option by the same brand.
Matt and I were joking around that the picture below would be the cover of my holiday cookbook, that doesn’t exist haha. Linking my dress here, 50% off ($74!!) I went up a size to a 4, I typically this for this brand.