I was chatting with Matt the other day saying I wanted to share a blog post on a few tips for working from home, but wasn’t sure how many people would be able to relate. He quickly jumped in saying more people than ever will likely be working from home and having to adapt to a new norm for some time. So I figured now is better than ever to share a few tips I have found helpful to be the most productive I can be, especially with having an active baby.
Get up and get dressed and ready for the day. Sounds silly and I will be the first to admit I have days that I lounge around in sweats, but the times I actually do my morning routine it makes me feel so much more productive. If you are looking for comfy options, I have found a few adorable and affordable pieces at Walmart lately! These overalls are buttery soft ( I found them under their Safari Trends section) and are $29. They come in 6 colors and I am wearing size XS. Also, this striped tee is only $10 and comes in 4 colors and a removable scarf (wearing XS)! Walmart offers a Next Day Delivery option as well, so you can typically receive your orders quick if you use this filter (top left on their site).
Accept help when given. This one was hard for me, but once I did it, it made such a difference. Especially with a lot of people having to work remote these days, if you have a family member, friend, whoever it may be offer to help you out, take your kids, give you a break, etc…take it! Also, if you are able to hire your babysitter for a few hours so you can focus and get work done uninterrupted, do it! When it is just Matt and I, if we both have some work that needs to get done, we alternate who watches Logan while the other works. We also take full advantage of Logan’s nap times as well.
Separate yourself. Even if you don’t have a dedicated office in your home, it is important to separate yourself not only from the distraction of others, but the chores and never ending list of things to do. I make sure to go into my office and close my door so I don’t get distracted by the dishwasher that needs to get unloaded, clothes to put away, etc. Use your bedroom or any space that you can close off and escape to focus for a bit.
Take a break! With all this being said, it is also important to give yourself breaks throughout the day so you don’t get burnt out. Luckily, Hadley is my reminder to do this as she needs to get walked and some TLC time. I find the best breaks and moments to refresh and refocus are when I leave my apartment, even if it is just a walk around the block.
Pick an end time. I am still working on this one myself, but I do think it is important to have a time you can turn off your phone, e-mails, etc. and unwind at the end of the day. Like I said, this is still a work in progress for me, but I try and leave my phone in a different room so I am not tempted to constantly be on it and can be present in that moment instead.